Deed Of Agreement

Between Brian Easton and Penguin Publishing in Relation to Matters Concerning Roderick Deane: His Life and Times, by Michael Bassett and Judith Basset,

Keywords: Political Economy & History;

(OCR of Original ) 

THIS DEED is dated the 17th day of October 2008
BETWEEN     BRIAN HENRY EASTON of Wellington Economist (Easton)
AND               PEARSON NEW ZEALAND LIMITED at Auckland (Penguin)

A.        Michael Edward Rainton Bassett and Judith Ola Basset, both of Auckland, Historians (the Bassetts) are the authors and Penguin is the publisher of a book entitled “Roderick Deane: His Life and Times” (the book).
B.        Easton is an independent scholar, ceonomist and former director of the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research.
C.        The subject of the book, Roderick Sheldon Deane (Deane) was a trustee of the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research when Easton was its director.
D.        At page 115 of the book the Bassctts stated “A clutch of left-wing economists, including Brian Easton, David Sheppard, Mervyn Pope and Suzanne Snively, wrote to Lange blaming Deane for the foreign exchange crisis and suggesting he be sacked.”
E.         At page 122 of the book the Bassetts stated “In left wing circles, several people, including Brian Easton of the Institute of Economic Research, had identified Deane as a proponent of deregulation and a threat to the old-style orthodoxy.”
F.         Easton advised Penguin those statements were incorrect, claimed they were defamatory of him and sought a correction and apology (the latter to be effected, in part, by the inclusion of an erratum in published copies of the book).
G.        Penguin referred the matter to the Bassetts
H.        Penguin has advised Easton that it no longer holds any copies of the book, the remaining copies having been forwarded to the Bassetts and Deane for their personal use and that there is no reference to the book on its website.
I.          The panics have agreed to settle Easton’s claim on the terms appearing below

1.  Penguin shall cause to be published in the Independent and The Press newspapers and on the Scoop website the following retraction and apology (the retraction):
In the book “Roderick Deane. His LjJP and Times “, it was stated that a letter signed by Dr Brian Easton and three others was sent to the then new Labour Prime Minister David Lange in 1984 warning him about the use of Dr Deane as an advisor. It is conceded that no physical evidence that Dr Easton, in fact. did so and no evidence can be found other than Dr Deane said Mr Lange mentioned it to him. Dr Easton refutes having ever written such a letter or co-signed one. In the circumstances, an apology is extended to Dr Easton for suggesting that he either wrote or signed such a letter.
2.         Penguin shall forward to the institutions set out in the Schedule to this deed a copy of the retraction for insertion in the copy (copies) of the book held by those institutions.
3.         In the event the book is reprinted, Penguin shall ensure the references to Easton are omitted.
4.         Penguin shall pay to Easton the sum of […] plus GST thereon as and for his costs together with […] for disbursements.
5.         These agreements shall be in full and final settlement of all or any claims which Easton has or may have against Penguin arising from the publication of the book.
Signed by
            Brian Easton and
            Geoff Walker, director of Pearson New Zealand Limited.

Agreed Letter

3 October, 2008

The Chief Librarian

RODERICK DEANE: His Life and Times — Michael and Judith Basssett
Dr Brian Easton has drawn to our attention to errors in the abovenamed book which we published in 2006. We have agreed to request you insert the attached errata at pages 115 and 122 of the copy held by you.
We shall be pleased if you would do so accordingly.
p.115 — The sentence “A clutch of left-wing economists, including Brian Easton, David Sheppard, Meivyn Pope and Suzanne Snively, wrote to Lange blaming Deane for the foreiqn exchange crisis and suggesting he be sacked.”
Erratum “Brian Easton was not a signatory to any such letter.”
p.122 — The sentence ‘in left wing circles, several people, including Brian Easton of the Institute of Economic Research, had identified Deane as a proponent of deregulation and a threat to the old- style orthodoxy.”
Erratum “Brian Easton did not identified Deane as a proponent of deregulation or a threat to the old- style orthodoxy.”
Yours faithfully