Category Archives: Globalisation & Trade

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement.

Perhaps New Zealand’s acceptance of the TPPA will depend upon the outcome of the Northland by-election Prime Minister John Key shortened his trip to Japan and Korea in order to spend more time campaigning in the Northland by-election. Domestic affairs trumped international ones – for a short time anyway. He said he was going north…
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The EU remains central to New Zealand’s destiny   Pundit: 23 December, 2014.   Keywords: Globalisation & Trade; Political Economy & History;   Suppose Britain exited the European Union of 28 countries. I am not recommending it; they would probably be worse off economically. Nor am I predicting it, although sometimes politics produces odd outcomes….
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The Elephant in the Room

Free trade is a fine ideal but comes at the cost of compromised sovereignty.   Listener: 13 February, 2014.   Keywords: Globalisation & Trade;   Once free trade agreements (FTAs) were about reducing tariffs on imports. But it wasn’t long before it became necessary to deal with other means of favouring domestic production: import controls,…
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Economic Integration and Global Security

Asia-Pacific Integration: The Economic and Security Dimensions for New Zealand NZIIA Seminar: Wednesday, 13 November 2013 [1]   Keywords: Globalisation & Trade;   My theme today is on the impact of economic integration on global security. The thesis may be illustrated by the French political economist and diplomat, Jean Monnet who should have been awarded…
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Culture of Dependency

We must remember the lesson of the 1960s and ensure the diversity of our exports and markets.   Listener: 22 August, 2013.   Keywords: Globalisation & Trade; Growth & Innovation; Political Economy & History;   We learnt from the Great Depression of the 1930s that New Zealand was over-dependent on a few exports – wool,…
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Globalisation and the Future World Order

  This paper was presented to the Curtin Sarawak Research Institute at Curtin University, Sarawak (Miri campus), 22 March, 2013. (And earlier version was presented to a politics class at Victoria University of Wellington). The Power Points are available on request. Keywords: Globalisation & Trade I am going to talk about globalisation. I am not using…
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Another Financial Crisis on the Rise?

Listener: 29 September, 2012. The world economy remains fragile. There may be another major economic crisis, but if not, things will continue to drift – or possibly sink. Here are some of the major known unknowns facing the world – and us. It’s hard to say much about the United States economy. The country is…
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A Framework for an Economic Strategy

A note prepared for discussion in September 2012.   Keywords: Business & Finance;  Distributional Economics; Globalisation & Trade; Growth & Innovation; Macroeconomics & Money;   What is the Purpose of the Economy? * The purpose of the New Zealand economy is to maintain and increase the wellbeing of all  New Zealanders. It is neither the…
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New Zealand Aid Programmes – Helping the Pacific Prosper

Listener: 1 September 1, 2012 New Zealand ran out of farmland in the mid-1950s. Of course, it has always been limited, but the opportunities to create new farms ran out and the existing ones were getting bigger, so the job opportunities on them did not increase. Countries short of farmland used to acquire more by…
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The Issues New Zealand Faces: the International Context

Presentation for the Wellington Branch of the NZIIA, 15 May 2012 Keywords: Globalisation & Trade; Macroeconomics & Money; Next week, the government will present its annual budget to parliament. There will be a lot more media space given to it than – say – to this paper, but its significance is much less than is…
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Great Days in New Zealand Borrowing

The Reserve Bank’s cobbled measures got us through the 2008 crisis Listener: 23 July, 2011. Keywords: Globalisation & Trade; Political Economy & History; 1878: While Julius Vogel was on a ship to London, the City Bank of Glasgow crashed. The London money market – the financial centre of the world – plunged. Although we were…
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